Welcome to Marbles' Gems of War Newbie Guide (and the Hall of Justice!)

I'm Marbles of Mydnite. I am one of the people helping run Hall of Justice: a Gems of War guild for Mobile and PC players. We are a semi-casual guild in The Golden Keep alliance. We happily welcome established players wanting to have a good time and new players trying get stronger!
Guild rules are simple:
- Claim at least 1000 guild seals a week
- Do not donate treasure until all your kingdoms are level 10
- Attempt all weekly guild events (guild wars optional)
- If you can't reach 1000 seals or need time away from the game, please let guild staff know.
- We reseve the right to remove inactive players.
An inactive player is someone who doesn't reach 1000 seals for several weeks. Of course if we know you need to be away for awhile, we will give you time off! That's why keeping in contact is important, especially if you know you won't hit the seals goal. It lets us know you're active and trying. Just post in guild chat and guild staff will respond to you as soon as we're online.
Guild Contact information

Just come in on PC/Mobile and ask for Marbles. If I'm around I'll answer... or someone will let me know what's going on as soon as I am back online. You can also send me messages via the Gems of War forums. Just log into your account and say hello!
I'm New! How do I play!
Check out our Gems of War players' guide! This guide should get you started in Gems of War regardless of what platform you are on. As it's generalized it's not likely to be outdated any time soon. You can even adapt the idea and information to suit your own playstyle. If anything is hideously outdated please bug me in-game on one of the chat channels or in guild chat.Who or what is Marbles?
Err... I'm me? I guess?By the way, all things I didn't make are property of their creators, like the art from Gems of War! Feel free to link here or to share information you found here.