Welcome to Gems of War! Things past the tutorial can be a little confusing, so here's a quick rundown of what you need to know.
Troops and teams
Troops and team building can be complex. With thousands of options, there's so much to go through! That's why these topics have their own pages that explain things.
Kinds of Troops- Strikers, Defenders, and Support galore! Read this before you look at the teams page.
Kinds of Teams- The most common kinds of teams you will see in the game plus tips for making what you have work for your situation
What Am I suposed to do?

Under level 200
If you don't have something unlocked, don't worry. Just keep playing the campaign on the main map. Eventually everything will unlock.
- Play Adventure every day. Adventure is on the main map screen with three options every day. It's easy levels and free money. You get to keep whaever you win, which will help a lot later on.
- Play Dungeon every day once you have a level 20 team. Dungeons are under "Games". If you don't find any traps you get dragonite: a very rare resource! Even if you do find a trap, the materials you win are nice later on.
- Get every kingdom unlocked and to level 10. Higher kingdom level increases your free income from tributes. This means you get more gems and money for doing nothing!
- Spend traitstones and souls on your favorite troops to level them up and unlock abilities. Only do this if you know a troop is "good" and you use it all the time. That said, you can always go exploring or play the daily adventure for more traitstones if you need them.
- Go Treasure Hunting! Click "Treasure Hunt" under games for free money, keys and gems. Early on this is the easiest and best way to get gems.
- Equip and Upgrade Medals Those little boosts work in your favor on every mode. If the Knights on the Medal challenge are giving you trouble, use true damage or poison on them.
Level 200 (or one month of gameplay)

- Join a guild Pick one you can easily afford and make sure you pay what is asked. You need to pay manually, so go to your guild to do that.The reason you want to wait to join a guild is because at very low level it's hard to keep up with the costs and events you see in guilds. Level grinding by yourself will help you be prepared to help your guild help you.
- Play the weekly guild event. These will be hard at first, but go down in difficulty as your player level increases. Don't despair, just do your best! Don't forget to claim your guild seals and event prizes before you stop for the day.
- Level up the Soul Forge ...but do not make anything yet! You need to work on growing what you have now instead of making things. Soul forge is really expensive, too, and those resources are needed elsewhere.
- Open chests and look for good troops. Your guild will help you get chests! Be sure always meet your guild's treasure and/or seals requirements. Those requirements are what allows them to get you chests, which is why the guild asks you to chip in.
- Try the Underspire. Underspire is under "Games". It's the only non-PvP way to get Glory for various quests and things.
- Play the Arena. Arena is also under "games". Normally it's just a fun money source, but sometimes it becomes "Arena of Honor" which grants good prizes like event keys and jewel shards. Practice in normal weeks so you will be good at arena for Honor weeks.
Level 1000+

- Making weapons or troops in the Soul Forge. Everything here is expensive, especially troops and weapons. If you aren't careful you will burn a lot of resouces on things you don't need which will make you regret it.
- PvP PvP is OK at lower levels, but later on you will see really nasty teams made by people who have been playing for 7 years. This is really tough even for established players, so until you are really well established it's best to just avoid it.
- Delves (in Underworld). Delves can be OK at first, but your enemies will outgrow you unless you upgrade your hoard and keep it upgraded. Hoards get super expensive very quickly, which makes them out of reach for lower level players. The only exception to the "no Delves" rule is for "faction expansion" events. These don't count towards the level of your normal delves and they always start at low levels, so fight away and get some prizes!
- Guild Wars It's PvP but it costs gems and has random annoying restrictions that are going to make life hard when you don't have many troops or weapons yet. Some guilds love this event, but it's definitely a bad idea for new players or guilds who don't like Guild Wars.